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I’m am trying to build a subscription box product, that includes shipping and a membership site, and I’m thinking Woo commerce plus subscriptions + memberium is the way to go and I guess you are the last piece of the puzzle.

Could I get a trial? and see if it’s a good solution? I’d need a trial for 2 weeks I’m estimating.

Thanks in advance.

    Jason kadlec

    Best way to trial is to purchase. Money back guarantee.


I am using Active Campaign, and I’ve recently discovered a nasty surprise using most 3rd-party plugins. Generally, contacts added with the API don’t trigger autoresponders. This is a known issue, documented here:

Do you have this issue? Because if contacts added don’t trigger the autoresponder, this won’t work for me.


    Jason kadlec

    Customers are added with a tag – you can use the tags to fire any automation or email.


For one of our customers I am thinking to try activewoo. I saw your video about active woo as side note you said that you can as well have individual coupons with time limit of e.g. two hours. Is this already working in activewoo. TO send individual coupons to customers for a specific time limit?

    Jason kadlec

    Coupons that are individual to each customer and each have their own expiration is coming soon! Some customers are using regular coupons and just expire them periodically.

[email protected]

Hi, I’m very intereste in purchasing/subscribing to ActiveWoo as my integration between ActiveCampaign and my Woocommerce site, mainly for your recover cart functionality. In your FAQ, you mention that your recover cart works by ‘customizing’ the checkout process by asking for a name and email first – I testeed that by starting a purchase on your site, and I see how my name and email are asked for before moving into the rest of the checkout routine.

My quesiton is, is that how (and is that only how) it’s going to work with your plugin if I purchase and implement on my site? Does your plugin actually try to customize the checkout page or checkout flow to first ask for that info before displaying the rest of the checkout process?

The reason I ask is we have a somewhat customized ONE PAGE checkout routine that handles name, email, billing/shipping, payment, etc – based on the standard WooCommerce one page checkout. We don’t want to change or interrupt this flow. I was hoping your “recover cart” functionality might integrate and work out fo the box like some other “abandoned cart” plugins like CartStack or CartsGuru (which we want to replace with ActiveCampaign and your plugin) – they monitor form entry and once a name and/or email address are entered, they capture that and start the recover cart routine if a checkout doesn’t complete within X.

That’s what we’re hoping can be accomplished with your plugin. Can you explain better based on the questions above how, exactly, your recover cart functionality works and if it will try to change the checkout flow or work more natively as I describe?

Thanks for your time!

    Jason kadlec

    ActiveWoo recover cart does interact with the standard Woocommerce checkout, modifying it to force the name/email and the continue button, creating a 2 step checkout process.

[email protected]

Hi there,
I have a pre-purchase question, please.
I’m currently using the free Active Campaign plugin but am considering purchasing the Active Woo license.
I’m concerned about my settings and was hoping you could tell me if I was to now install Active Woo, would that affect everything I have set up in terms of tags and triggers and automations?

Thanks so much in advance!


    Jason kadlec

    Mel – ActiveWoo creates/syncs a tag based on the SKU. If you had a tag starting an automation, that was the same as one of your sku’s this could be an issue… If not then you should be all set.


I want to create customized WooCommerce Order Confirmation and Shipping Confirmation Emails within Active Campaign.

But to do this effectivley I need to import these details from the order:

– Billing Details (name, address, etc)
– Shipping Details (name, address, etc)
– Product deatils (itemized list: product name, quantity ordered, price)
– Tracking information (provider/courier, tracking number, date, tracking link)
– Total
– Shipping Method

Is it possible to import these details using your plugin so that I can send customized Order Confirmation and Shipping Confirmation emails through Active Campaign?

    Jason kadlec

    ActiveWoo is not a good fit at this time for Shipping Confirmation emails – it does not sync Shipping Method.

Roeland vd Beek


Your plugin looks amazing. I just have one easy question. Which plan of Active Campaign do i need? Otherwise, will it work with the Lite, and / or Plus and / or Pro version?

    Jason kadlec

    ActiveWoo works with every ActiveCampaign plan, including Lite.

[email protected]

Hi there,
i try to intereact with you by comments but it seems that you dont look it too often.

    Jason kadlec

    For faster assistance – please use the green help button at the bottom right corner.

Jill Martin

I own your plugin and haven’t used it yet. We are just switching over from MailChimp to AC . Can you send me some information on what functionality your plugin adds to the WooCommerce Deep Data Integration?

I am looking for order date to be added into the customer record



I am deciding between Active Campaign or Klaviyo to run the e-mail marketing for my online store.

I would like to know if ActiveWoo plugin collects the price of the orders and products purchased and if, once within Active Campaign, can I segment the users based on the expense they have made in the online store (for example a segment of customers who have spent more than 500 Euros).

Is this possible with the ActiveWoo + Active Campaign?

I would also like to know if there is any coupon or active discount to buy your plugin.

Thanks in advance for your attention.,


    Jason kadlec

    Yes! ActiveWoo collects the total revenue spent, and if you use the DeepData integration, you can see each purchase in the customer details. There are currently no coupons available to get a discount for ActiveWoo.

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